Welcome back to our Healthy Hair Goal Series. In last week’s post, we showed you how to create SMART hair goals. This week, we will cover how to create a fool-proof plan. Just for the record, the planning part is where most people struggle. Don’t worry we got you covered! We will go step by step.
STEP 1: Determine What You Do and Do Not Know.
This is the most important step in creating an executable plan for SMART #HairGoals. In order to have an executable plan, you must know what you know and what you don’t know. Sounds strange but you have to know what tools and resources are available to you and if they will work for you. You also must admit to what you don’t know. We don’t want you to waste valuable time and money on things that won’t and don’t work for you or your hair type.
To demonstrate this we will use my SMART hair growth goal as the example.
Here’s What I Know:
1. My hair grows at a rate of ½” each month.
2. My hair loves the combination of avocado oil, mango butter and Shea butter and coconut oil and water.
3. Coconut oil by itself does not work on my hair.
4. My hair is sensitive to synthetic proteins. Natural proteins are ok however only in small doses.
5. I have medium porosity hair.
Here’s What I Don’t Know:
- How my hair will react to prolong use of direct heat.
- How my hair will react to crochet braids using synthetic hair.
- If increasing my water intake will cause my hair to grow faster or thicker.
- If taking hair and nail vitamins will make my hair grow faster.
STEP 2: Make a List
Based on what you know and don’t know, make a list of all the steps you will take to execute your goals. Depending on your hair goals your list may be long or it may be short. In this step, you are aiming for quality over quantity.
Here’s an example of three of the steps I will take to accomplish my #hairgoals. Remember these steps are based solely on what I do and do not know. Also, I have way more than three steps. I will share the full executable plan at the end of the series.
Here’s an example
- Measure my hair every month and record the length.
- Only use products that promote my hair growth.
- Use low manipulation styles only.
STEP 3: Know the Why
For every step, jot down a short note to explain why. You need to know why you are doing what you are doing. If a step provides no benefit to you then remove it. You don’t want to waste valuable time on something that doesn't work for you.
Here’s an example
- Measure my hair every month and record the length.
- This is how I will determine if my hair is growing and if my regime is working.
- Only use products that promote my hair growth.
- I’m a product junkie, however, for optimal hair growth, I will only use products that promote hair growth. This will help me save some coins as well.
- Use low manipulation styles only.
- Based on what I know, my hair grows that fastest when it’s braided up, thus wigs and sew in will be my go to styles. Thank goodness for Triple L Hair.
STEP 4: Review and Rewrite
Review your list and make sure it’s thorough. You can always remove steps if you later find out that they don’t work for you. Remember, you are aiming for quality over quantity.
Next week we will reveal my SMART hair growth plan for 2017. Until then happy planning. Write us below and let us know some of your #hairgoals.